Virtual Villagers Origins 2: Puzzle 15 + Puzzle 16 (Text only walkthrough)

Puzzle 15: Scarecrow
Drag a master farmer to the dried plant behind the crafting hut. He or she will pluck out twigs for the scarecrow.

Drag an adult villager to pluck the loose branches from the dead tree
Do this 5 times, or with 5 different villagers at the same time - the body of the scarecrow will be made

Puzzle 16: Demolition

You need:
  • Children
  • Level 4 research technology
  • Level 5 crafting technology

Drag 3 children to dig around the rock debris in the island - north of the island (near clothing hut), east of the island (top of stairs with vine), and west of island (below the yellow cloak).
The children will dig a hole into the debris.

Craft 3 boom sticks and drag adult villagers to the crafting hut so that they can use the boom sticks to demolish the holes.

At the end, you should get something like the base of a sundial, a moon statue, and a sun statue. This will be useful in puzzle 21: Telescope.


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