None* Walkthrough: All 50 Levels (Bonus!)

For those who need fast answers (read the explanations from the various parts here)

Level 1
Q: 1+1
A: 2

Level 2
Q: Blue +Yellow
A: Green

Level 3
Q: H2O
A: Water

Level 4
A: R2D2

Level 5
Q: No
A: Yes

Level 6
Q: I will be back
A: Terminator

Level 7 
Q: What is Realy Misin

Level 8
Q: 13 21 34 55 89
A: 144

Level 9
Q: Tomato + Vodka + Tabasco
A: Bloody Mary

Level 10
Q: Type here ______
A: Here

Level 11
Q: The Ultimate Question Of Life, The Universe, And Everything
A: 42

Level 12
A: 55574644

Level 13
Q: AWA_ _ _ _ PAR _ _ _ _ BAN _ _ _ _ COO _ _ _ _
A: King

Level 14
Q: Water + 32 F
A: Ice

Level 15
Q: P + Left Step 1 + Left Step 7 + Right Step 1 + Right Step 1
A: Power

Level 16
Q: That's my spot
A: Sheldon

Level 17
Q: Romeo Echo Juliet Echo Charlie Tango
A: Reject

Level 18
Q: Squeeze red + yellow
A: Orange juice

Level 19
Q: We were on a break
A: Friends

Level 20
Q: 15 30 40 Game
A: Tennis

Level 21
Q: 48.855, 2.347
A: Paris

Level 22
Q: It's my birthday
A: Happy birthday

Level 23
Q: Wov8imΓmoΛ8iwl
A: Mirror

Level 24
Q: Legend Cocktail Vanilla Sky
A: Tom Cruise

Level 25
Q: Reverse
A: esrsver

Level 26
Q: #000000 Pandora Opens
A: Airplane

Level 27
Q: Nag A Ram
A: Anagram

Level 28
Q: The Cat is *Not* Dead
A: Schrodinger 

Level 29
Q: The Answer Is Next. The Next Is Answer.
A: Next

Level 30
Q: Next
A: Answer

Level 31
Q: Cleopatra was Queen. Today is _
A: (Whatever day it is for you)

Level 32
Q: From B1 I can go to A3 D2 C3
A: Knight/Horse

Level 33
Q: - . - . - - - - . . .
A: Morse

Level 34
Q: 94° 33° ?°
A: 53

Level 35
Q: 0°
A: 360

Level 36
Q: If this level is OC answer is 63633N
A: Cocoon

Level 37
A: Chess

Level 38
Q: Don’t Judge By The Cover 0930289234
A: Watchmen

Level 39
Q: …. . . , . . |-o-| . , .|-o-| . \ \ . . . , . . \ \ . , … ..
A: Star Wars

Level 40
Q: Draw Up2 Left1 Up1 Right0,5 Down0,5 Right0,5 Up2 Right0,5 Down1 Right0,5 Up0,5 Right0,5 Down1 Left1 Down3
A: Cactus

Level 41
Q: Red1 Yellow2 Green3 Brown4 Blue5 Pink6 Black7 I Love This Game
A: Snooker

Level 42
Q: Before You Continue, Read This Text First, Is Very Important But I, Guess You Know That Is, Hard To Read This, Text The Right Way
A: Bright

Level 43
Q: J F M A M J J A S O N _, O T T F F S S E N _ , M T W T F S _

Level 44
Q: 14 February - Valets
A: Nine

Level 45
Q: Up 384 403 Down 20 000
A: Jules Verne

Level 46
Q: Now The Hungry Lion, Roars, And The Wolf Behowls, The Moon; Whilst The Heavy, Ploughman Snores, 3-3-1 1-4-2 3-3-5 2-2-3 1-1-2 3-2-1
A: Wisdom

Level 47
Q: Avles Al Ed Yer
A: Lion

Level 48
A: Moon/Moonlanding

Level 49
Q: NY 3,14
A: Apple pie

Level 50
Q: oooOoooo
A: Mars